The Top 10 Common Causes of an AC Breakdown!

As summer is in full swing and we’re entering its final stretch, how has your AC been performing? Have you noticed a spike in your electricity bills? Has your system struggled to keep your home comfortable?

We’re here to break down the top 10 reasons why your cooling system might be giving you the cold shoulder!

Assessing these factors can help you make informed decisions about your AC system. Understanding and addressing these common issues can keep your AC running smoothly and prevent those sweltering summer days without cool air:

1. Dirty air filter

This is the number one culprit for AC problems. A dirty filter restricts airflow, making your system work harder than it needs to. It’s like trying to breathe through a straw – not fun for you or your AC! Change your filter every 1-3 months to keep things running smoothly.

2. Low refrigerant

If your AC is low on refrigerant, it’s probably due to a leak. You might notice your home isn’t cooling as well, or you hear a hissing sound. This isn’t a DIY fix – you’ll need a pro from Mechanical Man to handle this one.

3. Frozen evaporator coil

When your evaporator coil freezes, it can’t absorb heat properly. This can happen due to dirty filters, low refrigerant, or poor airflow. If you see ice on your AC, turn it off and call for help.

4. Thermostat issues

Sometimes, the problem isn’t your AC at all – it’s the thermostat! It might be incorrectly calibrated or just plain broken. Check your settings and consider upgrading to a programmable model if yours is outdated.

5. Dirty condenser coils

Your outdoor unit needs some love too! When the condenser coils get dirty, they can’t release heat effectively. This makes your AC work harder and less efficiently. Keep the area around your outdoor unit clear and have it cleaned professionally once a year.

6. Capacitor failure

The capacitor gives your AC the jolt it needs to start up. If it’s failing, you might hear a humming sound when your AC tries to turn on, or it might not start at all. This is another job for our pros.

7. Fan problems

Your AC has two important fans – one in the indoor unit and one in the outdoor unit. If either of these isn’t working properly, your system won’t cool effectively. Listen for unusual noises or weak airflow as signs of fan issues.

8. Clogged condensate drain

Your AC removes humidity from your home, and that water needs to go somewhere. If the drain line gets clogged, it can cause water damage or even shut down your system. Keep it clean to avoid these issues.

9. Inadequate maintenance

Just like your car, your AC needs regular tune-ups to run its best. Skipping annual maintenance can lead to inefficiency and breakdowns. Schedule a check-up each spring to keep your cool all summer long.

10. Old age

Nothing lasts forever, including your AC. If your system is over 10-15 years old and having frequent problems, it might be time to consider replacement. Newer models are more efficient, saving you money in the long run.

Remember, if your AC is struggling to keep up with this heat wave, it might be time for a check-up. At Mechanical Man, we’re always here to help keep you cool. Don’t hesitate to give us a call if you need any assistance with your air conditioning system.

Contact us online or give us a call at (574) 301-5748!

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